Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Deb and Paul: Ceremony and Party: BCA, Burlington, VT

Oh, to be married in an art gallery! I suppose that could go on a list of "musts" in one's life.  However, for those of us already happily married, 'tis not to be.  I don't know how many times I've shot a wedding and thought, now why didn't I think of that?  Why didn't I do that at my wedding?  I tell you, as of right now, my dress would be lace, there would be peonies, and it would be in an art gallery.   I'm sure Kirstin has her own opinions on this, too. 

Well, Deb had the lace and the gallery, and the white flowers that were (quite possibly) peonies?!  Seriously, folks, it was hard for me not to swoon.  And when we walked into the third floor studio to await the ceremony?!  I just about melted at the light.  Oh, we artists and our "light."

Enough about me, though.  It was Deb and Paul's day.  And, although it was a steady drizzle all day, that light, that special light that emanated throughout the day...  It showed in Deb and Paul as they exchanged their heartfelt vows; it showed in the smiles of friends and family that were so happy for them.  It shined as they danced and smiled and talked and laughed...

Peonies, lace, galleries or not, a wedding is about that light.  There was so much of it. 

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