Monday, February 13, 2012

The Love Bug Sessions 2012

What does a Vermont wedding photographer do in February?  I mean, between ALL those midwinter weddings!?

So yeah, not so much.

But there is still plenty of hustle and bustle.  Between the two of use we have five kids under the age of 7.  FIVE.  Chaos? Yes.  Stuck inside?  Often.  Too much togetherness?  Sometimes.  But we do cherish our "off season".  And to honor those that keep it filled to the brim with excitement we created our first annual Valentines Day Love Bug Sessions!

This time we honor a different kind of love.  A squishy, comfy, cozy love . . . a LOVIE.

A "lovie" is that object of affection that parents have to wrench from their kid's hands when its time for children to look proper (as in normal photoshoots).  That once brown colored, now gray, one-eyed teddy bear that's bursting at the seams; the knitted blanket that is more holes than blanket; the giant hot pink panda that as a parent,  makes you want to kick whomever  gave it to your kid...  the one object that your child loves more than anything else.  Their funny valentine.

And it was so much fun!  Basically the Two House photobooth setup with a theme.  And all our subjects were under twelve.  Surprisingly,  it wasn't all that much work.  We provide the set-up, and those kids did the rest.  And the  plain backdrop allows their personalities to sparkle and their eyes shine.  And, O' THE PERSONALITIES!  O' THE CUTENESS!  We couldn't get enough.  We could NOT get ENOUGH.  Can you say Perm-a-grin?

It was a lovefest.  Happy Valentine's Day to all.  

(And, yes, there will be a next year.)


  1. Um... I adore the sentiment behind this!! And I'll tell you why.... His name is Scrappy and he is the stuffed pup that has been my bedtime companion since I was 3! He now resides tucked away in the nightstand cabinet next to the bed. Y'know.... just in case... I hope my fiancé' Sean is up to the task of night time protection from now on. Big shoes to fill....

  2. Aw. Hm, were you a scooby doo fan? And I'm sure Sean is up to the task, but it's always nice to have a backup!
