Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Jamie & Brian : Engagement : Vermont

Jamie and Brian were in from Seattle to take care of a bit of wedding business last weekend.  Like so many of our couples they are planning from afar, and when in town cram in as much as they can.  Lucky for us that meant squeezing in an engagement shoot. And since Jamie had a dress fitting appointment at Fiori we decided to meet up  at Martone's, a great little deli and market right next door.  It was so nice to meet after all the emails and hear about the details and plans for their Sugarbush wedding.   They are on my cool kids list since they are getting a band, yay!  A good DJ is awesome, but a good band?  THE BEST.  And though I haven't had the pleasure of hearing "The Band of Love", with a name like I'm counting on them to BRING IT.

There was just a bit of snow flying around, fitting for March in Vermont.   These guys were so much fun, the laughs were constant, the vibe relaxed.  I must put Brian at the top of my list for most cooperative and enthusiastic grooms.  I can already tell he and Carin will have a ton of fun this September.  But not as much as I will with Jamie and the girls!!

Can't wait you guys!

Oh, and as a little treat, when we were in Martone's a fellow patron noticed our picture-taking and wanted to offer the happy couple a toast of congratulations.  It being 10am and not a bar, he filled 3 mugs with  Pellagrino and shared his well wishes with Jamie and Brian.  Sorry dude, forgot your name, but I'll never forget your kindness.  So sweet. 

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