Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Katie & Sean: Castleton, VT: Love is in the Details

Need I say more? The wedding of Katie and Sean in Castleton was an affair to remember... why? Well, I must say the personalities were something to reckon with. I mean, when you have a family as large as their extended family, you throw quite a party. And, especially when that specific group of people is talented in many ways. It takes a village to put together a DIY wedding. The reception took place in an aunt and uncle's old auction barn. A barn that has seen many days, whether filled with hundreds of old Vermont relics or with teenagers hosting prom... the history imbued within it... and, then the love that Katie, Sean and their family filled it with. All the beautiful details: place cards, dancin' shoes, photo trees, handmade paper topiaries, wreathes, branches, sister-made cake (and flowergirl dresses!), cookies... the list goes on and on. (Oh yeah, forgot about the hand-decorated, finely crafted car. Couldn't not mention that.) But, thats why this post is a little different than the norm. The details say it all. Katie and Sean are surrounded by love. What a way to begin a life together! Congratulations, you two.

Stay tuned for the big picture!


  1. great wedding pics :-)
    Really love this wedding.
    Congratulations and best wishes to you guys!!

    Vermont Wedding Locations

  2. It was a beautiful wedding! We all had an amazing time. Thanks katie and sean for inviting us to share in your special day!
    The Hoyt gang
