Sunday, August 26, 2012

Engagement: Rebecca & Mac

So, we middle school teachers are a bit of a rare breed. (Oh, did you know my other gig is an middle school art teacher?  Yep.  Love it.)  Anyhow, as I was saying...   Rebecca and Mac are fellow middle school teachers.  And, well, the rare breed that they are made for a fun night!  We talked Harry Potter and Paris, played with Puppy Penny, got rained on (deluge!), visited their newly aquired house, watched the sunset at the top of the parking garage, loitered at said parking garage, got rained on again, and finally ended with a beer.  We got to take some pictures in there somewhere, too.  This is what I love about this job: getting to meet and hang out with totally fun people.

And, of course, the love.  I must throw that into every blog post right?!   So, these two couldn't keep a straight face for any of it, and that was awesome!  I can just imagine them sixty years from now sitting on their front porch playing the staring game and not being able to make it for ten seconds.  Hey, love and laughter.  There's gotta be a cheesy saying about staying together forever because of laughter, but I can't think of it at the moment.  Whatever the saying may be, I think it's true.

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