Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Julie & Sean : Engagement : Stowe, VT

Normally, Memorial Day weekend can be kind of crazy.  So much going on, usually a wedding. But not this year!  And it was my luck, because that freed me to meet  Julie and Sean and get a camera on them. They were up from Texas to do the customary "meet the vendors" and perhaps taste a yummy morsel or two (Mmmm cupcakes.)  And as we hung out and did a little shooting it became pretty clear. . . they are totally our kind of couple.  Great smiles, great ideas and just great people.  And we love a bride with vision.  Books?  Awesome.  Picnic?  You bet!  Covered bridge?  Yes Please!   It's so nice to have other people help shine the light on why Vermont is such a wonderful place.  Perhaps we take our green mountains and quaint details for granted sometimes.  But after all, there is a reason people love getting married here. And if these photos are any indication, Julie and Sean's wedding this September will be just beautiful!  Can't wait guys!


  1. Thank you so much! We are so in love with our photos! Oh and my mom called me in tears because she said they so perfectly depicted our happiness that she was just overwhelmed with joy for us! I absolutely adore the photo of my hand on Sean’s back. I also love the b&w one of us on the porch with the light spots in the corner, so lovely. And of course I love the one of Sean in focus in front of me in the foreground because he is just so studley! Ok, so they're all my favorites :) Great work!

  2. Aw, thanks Julie!! SO so glad you like them. Can't wait for Stowehof!
