Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Katie & Dave: The Essex, VT, Part Deux

Katie and Dave.  Married!  A beautiful ceremony, complete with funny, thoughtful priest, m&ms, meaning-filled vows, and a bagpiper.  Lovely, lovely.  Honestly, sometimes during the ceremony its hard to focus on taking the pictures because one just wants to stop and be present (ah, but I do keep snapping away while listening.  Being a parent has made me an incredible multitasker).  And then after the ceremony? Fun! Beginning at Indian Brook Reservoir, the weather cooperated for some beautiful romantics, as well as one stylin' "beer commercial." And, at the Essex, oh what a party! One that was truly multigenerational--the youngest to the eldest out on the dance floor...  There was so much laughter and love throughout this whole day.  Katie and Dave, what a way to start a marriage.  Congrats.  May that laughter and love follow you throughout your life together.

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