Friday, October 19, 2012

Julie & Sean : Stowehof Inn, Vermont : Wedding : Part Two

You may be thinking . . . it says Julia on the program?  The blog post says Julie.  Uh oh.  Not as bad as the DJ getting the names mixed up, but still . . . oops. When getting to know our couples we stress about making such a mistake.  I would be lying if I said I never have.  Sending a email meant for Amy but addressed to Beth.  UGH!  It's really only happened once that I recall and it was so mortifying that I try doubly hard to make sure it doesn't happen again. As people named Kirstin (perhaps I should  just change my name to KRistin to make it easier on everyone) and Carin (Karen anyone?  Or Corrine?), we do our very best to get it right.  Imagine my alarm when I replied to an inquiry to "Julie" to and email address titled "Julia. "  Crap!  Going back I realized that I went off the way she signed her email, so if "Julie" wasn't right, at least I had a reason.  Phew!  Well, turns out both are correct. And since she seemed like a friend from the get go, the more familiar Julie just felt right.  Part of me wondered if we should use 'Julia' for the blog post, but after working with 'Julie'  for so long,  and spending this glorious day with them, it would feel weird - like we were talking about somebody else.  So it's Julie and Sean's day we talk about, and what a day it was...  

Mother Nature decided that a cozy indoor ceremony would be even better than the alternative, and we have to agree. The large picture windows washed Julie and Sean in soft autumn light as they laughed and cried and pledged their love.  The fireplaces warmed the cool damp air, sputtering pops and cracks and giving it a hint of smoke that is the signal that the seasons have changed in Vermont. There was dancing and toasts,  full of joy and laughter.  And honestly, the best Mother/Son dance we've ever seen. While  shooting Julie dancing with her father, trying to get Sean in frame in the background,  I noticed he was stretching his neck and rolling up his sleeves.  It was like he was getting ready for a boxing match or something. Strange. Moments later I realized if he hadn't loosened up a bit he might have pulled something as he and his mom unleashed some serious boogie on the dance floor.  Awesome.

Thanks again Julie and Sean for letting us be part of your day! We hope life is grand in the Lone Star state and that you're up to visit us in Vermont again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Vermont is really such a wonderful place in exchanging of wedding vows. Congratulations and best wishes to the newly wed.

    Find out more: Vermont Wedding Locations
